

Sat, 21 Sep 2019 15:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 21 Sep 2019 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    Can Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) do Art? A.I. is always dismissed as not creative. However, recent technological discoveries have shed a different light on the subject.



    AI Academy's A.I.rt event will be focusing on the artworks that AI Academy’s attendees have been creating after our series of workshops on AI & Arts.


    Now we are holding an online competition where people can submit their artworks with AI implementations. Their competing artworks will then be voted by the general public via AI Academy's official account. The winners will be awarded at the event. All artworks will also be exhibited at the venue.

    Besides, 2 industry leaders will join the A.I.rt event panel discussing with us on the “A.I. Can Art” subject. The goal of the event is to showcase the possibilities of generating arts with AI and raise awareness of AI that can take part in the creative process for artists. 

    Finally, and most importantly, to bring together artists, people with artistry and tech people who appreciate and want to implement tech in arts.

    Where  地址

    Allab, No. 3 Dongchengguaijie, Chengdu 

    When  时间

    2019年9月21日 15:30 - 18:00 
    September 21, 2019, 15:30 – 18:00

    Agenda  日程



    Registration & welcome



    Organizers and partners introduction



    Panel discussion on A.I. and arts



    Winners announcement and awards



    Thank you and closing notes, art exhibition


    Guest Speakers

    Cyril Sinel

    Cyril Sinel是育碧上海分部的艺术总监。作为前2D动画师和概念艺术家,他总是希望将泥塑技术与3D分形技术相结合,来为他增强创造力和探索新领域。
    Cyril Sinel is an Art Director at Ubisoft Shanghai. Former 2D animator and concept artist, he is always looking to mix techniques from clay sculpture to 3D fractals to enhance creativity and explore new fields. 
    To support AAA game development and to enrich the possibilities, he is wanting to integrate AI-assisted art production in the video game art pipeline.

    宋轶男    Song, Yinan

    艺术工作者、设计师和创意技术员。她的作品常存于设计和艺术之间,通常关注科技、政治以及他们之间的联系。她最热爱通过制作有科技支持的作品—— 例如手机app和虚拟现实装置——来表达她对科技带来的社会和政治意义的思考。
    她在2016年获得加密设计奖评委奖(Crypto Design Award Jury's Award),并曾经在在美国、英国、德国、荷兰、以色列、法国、瑞士和塞浦路斯等各国参展。
    Yinan Song, an artist, designer and creative developer, with a bachelor’s degree in arts in fine arts and politics from Yale University and master from Royal College of Art. Her works often sit in between art & design and focus on technology, politics and their interconnections. She favors in expressing her thoughts about what technologies bring to the world and their meanings through making artworks with technical means, such as VR devices and mobile applications. Yinan was granted Crypto Design Jury's Award in 2016 and has exhibited in more than 8 countries worldwide.



    AI学院旨在创建专注并专业的人工智能社区,为 AI 人才提供一个知识分享、技术磨练及项目实践的 公共平台、促进 AI 爱好者及从业者交流、推动人工智能技术发展。

    AI Academy is Chengdu’s first AI community aiming to bring together AI professionals and enthusiasts. It helps and encourages knowledge sharing, skills practicing and tech implementation.


    Supported By

    集火社会实验室  Allab


    Allab is a creative platform focusing on city transformation research and art and cultural exchange. Founded 10 years ago, combined creative, design and general operation practices. Allab is exploring a path that urban and rural grow as one, and transform within a healthy ecosystem. It is actively cultivating and promoting greater public value.



    育碧成都  Ubisoft Chengdu

    育碧成都自2008年建立后已成为中国西部地区主要游戏研发工作室之一,并拥有超过320名员工致力于研发育碧旗下的经典游戏。我们与其他育碧工作室合作研发了多个AAA游戏,如《刺客信条》、《碧海黑帆》及《荣耀战魂》。同时我们也致力于自主研发休闲类游戏,如《疯狂兔子:奇遇派对》以及将多款育碧经典游戏移植到Switch平台。同时,育碧成都工作室也是研发前沿性技术的领军者,其“Games As A Service  (GAAS)” 的理念带领企业不断推陈出新。成都工作室的技术团队开发的产品被运用于育碧旗下众多知名游戏品牌,有效协助研发团队基于科学数据做出准确决策。

    Established in 2008, Ubisoft Chengdu is one of the key game studios in western China and a full-fledged production center, with over 320 talents contributing to Ubisoft’s line-up. Ubisoft Chengdu has a strong track record of co-development on Ubisoft’s biggest brands such as Assassin’s Creed, Skull and Bones and For Honor, as well as developing casual games such as Rabbids party game and bringing hit titles to Switch.  
    Meanwhile, we are also a pioneer in cutting-edge technology driving Ubisoft’s “games as a service (GAAS)” ethos. Chengdu’s technology team develops products that empower production teams to make educated, data-driven decisions on hit Ubisoft brands.

    汉云科技  HighCloud

    2014年创立于中国·成都,是Azure、AWS、GCP、IBM等国际云平台的顶级合作伙伴,以“Cloud is the i of AI”为使命,致力为客户提供企业级云解决方案,以及基于行业的方案。我们同时也为客户提供集成的托管云服务。时至今日,业务已全面覆盖成都、上海、北京、福州、深圳、台北、香港、新加坡、硅谷及多伦多等
    Founded in 2014 in Chengdu, China, HighCloud Technology Co., Ltd. is the top partner of Azure, AWS, GCP, IBM, etc. HighCloud provides enterprise-class cloud solutions for overseas business and industry-based cloud solutions. The mission of HighCloud is "Cloud is the i of AI", we provide integrated MSP for customers. Our business has covered countries and cities such as Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Silicon Valley, Toronto.
    爱普生  Epson


    Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to becoming indispensable to society by connecting people, things and information with its original, efficient, compact and precision technologies. The company focuses on driving innovations and exceeding customer expectations in inkjet, visual communications, wearables, and robotics. Epson is proud of its contributions to realizing a sustainable society and its ongoing efforts to realizing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.



    Startup Grind

    Startup Grind 是全球最大的独立创业社区,积极教育、激励和联系500多个城市的2,000,000名企业家。通过活动、媒体以及与Google for Startups等组织建立各种合作伙伴关系,在125个国家/地区培育创业生态。我们全球社区的基石是每月举办活动,邀请包括但不限于成功的全球创始人、创新者、教育家和投资者,他们会分享自己在建设出色公司道路上所汲取的经验教训。
    Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 2,000,000 entrepreneurs in over 500 cities. We nurture startup ecosystems in 125 countries through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Startups. The cornerstone of our global community are monthly events featuring successful global founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies.


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