
【上海】PingCAP Infra Meetup No.117:TiDB 悲观事务 & Performance Engineering

Sun, 20 Oct 2019 10:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 20 Oct 2019 12:00:00 GMT+08


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    时间:2019-10-20 周日 10:00 - 12:00

    地点:上海市黄浦区大沽路 288 号大沽路庭映像 5 号楼 2 楼 PingCAP

    Topic 1:

    TiDB 悲观事务的设计与实现

    Speaker :

    赵磊,TiKV 研发工程师。

    Content : 

    TiDB 一直使用的是 Percolator 乐观事务模型,在 3.0 版本中初步实现了悲观事务模型,本次分享讲介绍悲观事务的设计与实现原理。

    Topic 2:

    Introduction to performance engineering

    Speaker :

    Nick Cameron,PingCAP Senior Database Engineer,Rust core team

    Content : 

    Computer hardware and compilers have evolved hugely, which means that many of the guidelines for writing performant code are now obsolete. 'Big O' complexity (a key tool in understanding performance) is often misunderstood - advances in CPU design have changed performance parameters beyond recognition. The range of available tools and techniques can be overwhelming.

    By better understanding modern computer architecture, you will learn which code and data structures work well, and why some 'fast' code doesn't improve performance at all. You will learn practical strategies for optimisation, specific ways to write faster code, how and what to measure, and how to make better performance-oriented decisions when programming.

    This talk is for intermediate-level developers. You should have a good understanding of general programming, but don't need any background in performance or optimization. Most of the talk will focus on general issues, with some focus on Rust-specifics (but you should get plenty out of it if you don't know or use Rust).

    交通:地铁 13 号线-南京西路 8 号口出或 地铁 1 号线黄陂南路 3 号口出,步行 10 分钟即可到达。


    屏幕快照 2019-10-15 下午3.07.09.png

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    PingCAP 成立于 2015 年,是一家企业级开源分布式数据库厂商,提供包括开源分布式数据库产品、解决方案与咨询、技术支持与培训认证服务,致力于为全球行业用户提供稳定高效、安全可靠、开放兼容的新型数据基础设施,解放企业生产力,加速企业数字化转型升级。 由 PingCAP 创立的分布式关系型数据库 TiDB,为企业关键业务打造,具备「分布式强一致性事务、在线弹性水平扩展、故障自恢复的高可用、跨数据中心多活」等企业级核心特性,帮助企业最大化发挥数据价值,充分释放企业增长空间。 目前,PingCAP 已经向包括中国、美国、欧洲、日本、东南亚等国家和地区,超过 1500 家企业提供服务,涉及金融、运营商、制造、零售、互联网、政府等多个行业。

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